The story arc for my first novel, Unbroken Hearts, hit me while riding my stationary bike (on my way to losing 60 pounds — thanks Weight Watchers!) and balancing a Wyoming historical society journal on the handlebars. As I read a description of an old west boom-and-bust town I suddenly found myself imagining the characters in that way-back-when place, and the premise for the book popped into my head.
Each day I rode and worked out several more chapters. I scrawled my ideas onto paper, continued my research, and soon I had a book outline. I never planned to write a romance novel (even though I’d read hundreds of them and loved the genre) . . . the story simply unfolded as I pedaled.
Completing the first book gave me the momentum (and the backstory and characters) to continue on to write the sequel. I still hop on the bike to solve plotting problems.
You can learn more about Unbroken Hearts, and grab a sample at the Kindle Store.
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